Maya & Koda
Chief Comfort Officers
Maya and Koda are happy to greet clients and visitors with a smile and a tail wag. They are never far from the action and love affection. They eagerly and patiently await your arrival!
Get to know Maya
Favorite Food: Lunch Meat or any table scraps.
Favorite Activities: Chasing birds while hiking with Dave and watching squirrels in trees. Don’t forget tummy rubs, lots and lots of tummy rubs!
Hidden Talents: Empath, able to speak, fetch, and swim.
Favorite Activities: Chasing birds while hiking with Dave and watching squirrels in trees. Don’t forget tummy rubs, lots and lots of tummy rubs!
Hidden Talents: Empath, able to speak, fetch, and swim.
Get to know Koda
Favorite Food: Steak…(who are we kidding, he loves ALL FOOD!!!)
Favorite Activities: Playing fetch, hikes, walks, swimming and car rides with Dave.
Hidden Talents: Singing to a harmonica, balancing treats on his nose.
Favorite Activities: Playing fetch, hikes, walks, swimming and car rides with Dave.
Hidden Talents: Singing to a harmonica, balancing treats on his nose.